How to Create a Forest Plot that Uses Estimates Obtained from ClubSandwich
Image by Giotto -

How to Create a Forest Plot that Uses Estimates Obtained from ClubSandwich

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Are you tired of manually crunching numbers and creating tedious graphs to visualize your data? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of forest plots and learn how to create a stunning visualization using estimates obtained from ClubSandwich. Buckle up, folks, as we embark on this journey of data visualization excellence!

What is a Forest Plot?

A forest plot is a type of graphical display used to visualize the results of multiple studies, often used in meta-analysis. It’s a powerful tool to communicate complex data insights in a clear and concise manner. Forest plots typically consist of a series of horizontal lines, each representing a separate study, with plotted points indicating the estimated effect size and confidence intervals.

Why Use ClubSandwich?

ClubSandwich is an R package that provides a suite of functions for robust variance estimation and meta-analysis. With ClubSandwich, you can easily obtain estimates and confidence intervals for your data, which are essential components of a forest plot. By integrating ClubSandwich with your forest plot, you can create a robust and accurate visualization of your data.

Step 1: Install and Load Necessary Packages

Before we dive into the fun stuff, make sure you have the necessary packages installed. You’ll need:

  • R (obviously!)
  • ClubSandwich package (install.packages("ClubSandwich"))
  • metafor package (install.packages("metafor"))
  • ggplot2 package (install.packages("ggplot2"))

Load the packages using:


Step 2: Prepare Your Data

For this example, we’ll use a sample dataset from the ClubSandwich package. Load the data using:

data("sleep_ studies")

The sleep_studies dataset contains information on the effects of sleep deprivation on reaction times in various studies. We’ll use this data to create our forest plot.

Step 3: Estimate Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals with ClubSandwich

Using ClubSandwich, we’ll estimate the effect sizes and confidence intervals for each study in the sleep_studies dataset. We’ll use the clubSandwich() function, specifying the model and data:

cs_model <- clubSandwich(formula = reaction ~ sleep, data = sleep_studies, 
                       var_adjust = "CR2_type", 
                       cluster = "study")
cs_results <- summary(cs_model)

The cs_results object now contains the estimated effect sizes and confidence intervals for each study.

Step 4: Create the Forest Plot with ggplot2

Now it’s time to create the forest plot using ggplot2. We’ll create a data frame with the necessary information for the plot:

plot_data <- data.frame(
  study = cs_results$study,
  estimate = cs_results$estimate,
  low_CI = cs_results$CI_lower,
  high_CI = cs_results$CI_upper

Next, we’ll use ggplot2 to create the forest plot:

ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = study, y = estimate, ymin = low_CI, ymax = high_CI)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_errorbar(width = 0.2) + 
  theme_classic() + 
  labs(x = "Study", y = "Effect Size", title = "Forest Plot of Sleep Deprivation Studies")

This code creates a forest plot with the study names on the x-axis, the estimated effect size on the y-axis, and the confidence intervals represented by the error bars.

Step 5: Customize and Refine Your Forest Plot

Feel free to customize your forest plot to suit your needs! You can adjust the theme, colors, and layout to make it more visually appealing. For example, you can add a horizontal line at y = 0 to indicate no effect:

ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = study, y = estimate, ymin = low_CI, ymax = high_CI)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_errorbar(width = 0.2) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") + 
  theme_classic() + 
  labs(x = "Study", y = "Effect Size", title = "Forest Plot of Sleep Deprivation Studies")

Voilà! You now have a stunning forest plot that uses estimates obtained from ClubSandwich. Pat yourself on the back, because you’ve successfully visualized complex data in a clear and concise manner.

Study Estimated Effect Size 95% Confidence Interval
Study 1 0.5 (0.2, 0.8)
Study 2 0.7 (0.4, 1.0)

This table shows a sample output of the forest plot, with each row representing a separate study. The estimated effect size and 95% confidence interval are displayed for each study.


In this article, we’ve learned how to create a stunning forest plot using estimates obtained from ClubSandwich. By following these steps, you can now visualize complex data in a clear and concise manner, making it easier to communicate your findings to others. Remember to customize and refine your forest plot to suit your needs, and don’t hesitate to explore other visualization options to take your data visualization skills to the next level!

So, what are you waiting for? Get plotting, and remember:

“Data visualization is the best way to lie, because it’s the most convincing way to tell the truth.” – Unknown

Happy plotting, and see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Create a stunning forest plot with estimates from ClubSandwich? We’ve got you covered!

Q1: What is the first step in creating a forest plot with ClubSandwich estimates?

A1: The first step is to extract the estimates and standard errors from the ClubSandwich output. You can do this by using the `coef()` function, which returns a data frame containing the estimates and standard errors for each model.

Q2: How do I prepare my data for the forest plot?

A2: To prepare your data, you’ll need to create a data frame that contains the estimates, standard errors, and confidence intervals for each model. You can use the `tidy()` function from the broom package to help with this step. Don’t forget to add a column for the study or group labels, if applicable!

Q3: Which package should I use to create the forest plot?

A3: One popular option is the ggforest package, which provides a convenient interface for creating forest plots with ggplot2. Alternatively, you can use the forestplot package, which offers more customization options.

Q4: How do I customize the appearance of my forest plot?

A4: With ggforest or forestplot, you can customize the appearance of your forest plot by adding or modifying themes, colors, labels, and more. For example, you can change the point shapes, add confidence intervals, or modify the x-axis limits to suit your needs.

Q5: Can I add additional features to my forest plot?

A5: Yes! You can enhance your forest plot by adding features like subgroup summaries, annotations, or even interactive elements. For example, you can use the ggiraph package to create interactive forest plots or add tooltips with additional information.