Django Strange Behavior with URL with Slug and /: Unraveling the Mystery
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Django Strange Behavior with URL with Slug and /: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why your Django URLs with slugs and trailing slashes are behaving strangely? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Django URL resolvers, explore the common pitfalls, and provide clear instructions on how to tackle this issue head-on.

The Problem: A URL with a Slug and a Trailing Slash

Let’s say you have a Django app with a model, `Book`, and you want to create a detail view that displays the book’s information. You define your URL pattern as follows:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('books//', views.book_detail, name='book_detail'),

This looks straightforward, but what happens when you try to access a URL like `/books/the-great-gatsby/`? You might expect Django to happily resolve the URL and display the book’s details. But, nope! Instead, you’re greeted with a 404 error, and you’re left scratching your head.

The Culprit: URL Resolver’s Greediness

The issue lies in the way Django’s URL resolver works. When it encounters a URL pattern with a slug and a trailing slash, it gets a bit too greedy. It tries to match the entire URL, including the trailing slash, as part of the slug. This means that the resolver is looking for a book with a slug that includes the trailing slash, which, of course, doesn’t exist.

To illustrate this, let’s look at an example:

URL Slug
/books/the-great-gatsby/ the-great-gatsby/
/books/the-great-gatsby the-great-gatsby

As you can see, the URL resolver is including the trailing slash as part of the slug, which is not what we want.

Solution 1: Remove the Trailing Slash

One way to tackle this issue is to remove the trailing slash from your URL pattern. You can do this by adding a `?` after the slash:

urlpatterns = [
    path('books//?', views.book_detail, name='book_detail'),

This tells Django that the trailing slash is optional, and it should match the URL even if it’s not present.

Pros and Cons

This solution is simple and easy to implement, but it has a drawback. If you try to access the URL without the trailing slash (e.g., `/books/the-great-gatsby`), Django will append a trailing slash automatically, which might not be what you want.

Solution 2: Use a Custom URL Resolver

A more elegant solution is to create a custom URL resolver that ignores the trailing slash. You can do this by subclassing Django’s `re_path` function:

from django.urls import re_path

class SlashInsensitiveRePath(re_path):
    def __init__(self, route, view, kwargs=None, name=None):
        super().__init__(route + '?/?', view, kwargs, name)

urlpatterns = [
    SlashInsensitiveRePath(r'^books/(?P[-\w]+)/$', views.book_detail, name='book_detail'),

This custom resolver adds an optional `/?` to the end of the URL pattern, making it ignore the trailing slash.

Pros and Cons

This solution provides more control over the URL resolution and avoids the automatic trailing slash addition. However, it requires more code and might be overkill for simple cases.

Solution 3: Use a 3rd-Party Library

If you’re using Django 2.2 or later, you can utilize the `path` function’s `strip_slug` parameter to handle trailing slashes. You can install the `django-url-params` library and use the `path_params` function:

from django.urls import path
from url_params import path_params

urlpatterns = [
    path_params('books//', views.book_detail, name='book_detail', strip_slug=True),

This library provides a simple and elegant solution to the problem, but it does require an additional dependency.

Pros and Cons

This solution is easy to implement and provides a clean way to handle trailing slashes. However, it requires installing a 3rd-party library, which might not be desirable in all cases.


In conclusion, Django’s strange behavior with URLs containing slugs and trailing slashes can be frustrating, but it’s not insurmountable. By understanding the URL resolver’s greediness and using one of the solutions outlined above, you can overcome this issue and create robust, slug-based URLs for your Django app.

Remember, the key to solving this problem is to either make the trailing slash optional, use a custom URL resolver, or utilize a 3rd-party library. Choose the solution that best fits your needs, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless user experience.


To recap, here are the key takeaways from this article:

  • Django’s URL resolver can be greedy and include trailing slashes as part of the slug.
  • Removing the trailing slash from the URL pattern is a simple solution, but it has drawbacks.
  • Creating a custom URL resolver is a more elegant solution, but it requires more code.
  • Using a 3rd-party library like `django-url-params` provides a clean and easy solution.
  • Understanding the URL resolver’s behavior is crucial in resolving this issue.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle Django’s strange behavior with URLs containing slugs and trailing slashes.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Django’s URL resolvers and regex patterns, check out the official Django documentation:

Happy coding, and may the URLs be ever in your favor!

Here are 5 QnA about “django strange behavior with url with slug and /” :

Frequently Asked Question

Django can be a wonderful framework, but sometimes it can also be a bit quirky. Here are some answers to questions about django’s strange behavior with URLs containing slugs and trailing slashes.

Why does Django keep adding a trailing slash to my URL with a slug?

Django’s URL dispatcher automatically adds a trailing slash to URLs that don’t already have one. This is because it’s considered a good practice to have consistent URLs. If you want to remove the trailing slash, you can set the `APPEND_SLASH` setting to `False` in your `` file.

How can I make Django URL patterns work with both slug and trailing slash?

You can use the `?` symbol in your URL pattern to make the trailing slash optional. For example, `url(r’^category/(?P[-\w]+)/?$’, views.category)`. This way, both `category/slug` and `category/slug/` will work.

Why does Django redirect me to a URL with a trailing slash even when I explicitly specify one without?

This is due to Django’s `CommonMiddleware` which is enabled by default. It redirects URLs without a trailing slash to ones with a trailing slash. If you want to disable this behavior, you can remove `’django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware’` from your `MIDDLEWARE` setting in ``.

Can I use a URL with a slug and no trailing slash in my Django template?

Yes, you can! Just make sure to use the `url` template tag without the trailing slash. For example, `{% url ‘category’ slug %}`. This will generate a URL without a trailing slash.

How do I debug Django URL patterns when they’re not working with slugs and trailing slashes?

You can use Django’s built-in `show_urls` management command to debug your URL patterns. Run `python show_urls` in your terminal to see a list of all your URL patterns. This can help you identify which pattern is being matched and why.

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