TypeScript Type Guards: Unlocking the Power of Type Narrowing and Suggestions
Image by Giotto - hkhazo.biz.id

TypeScript Type Guards: Unlocking the Power of Type Narrowing and Suggestions

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TypeScript type guards are a powerful tool that can help you unlock the full potential of your code. But, if you’re new to TypeScript, it can be a bit overwhelming. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into TypeScript type guards, and show you how to get type narrowing and suggestions. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What are TypeScript Type Guards?

TypeScript type guards are a unique feature that allows you to narrow the type of a value within a specific scope. Think of it as a way to tell TypeScript, “Hey, I know more about this value than you do, and I can guarantee that it’s of this specific type.” This can be incredibly useful when working with complex data structures or APIs that return inconsistent data.

Type guards are typically used in conjunction with conditional statements, such as if statements or switch statements. When a type guard is applied, TypeScript will narrow the type of the value to the specified type, allowing you to access properties and methods that were previously unavailable.

How to Create a TypeScript Type Guard

Creating a TypeScript type guard is relatively straightforward. You can create a type guard using a function that returns a type predicate. A type predicate is a type that takes the form of `parameterName is Type`, where `parameterName` is the name of the parameter, and `Type` is the type that you’re guaranteeing.

function isString(value: T): value is string {
  return typeof value === 'string';

In this example, we’re creating a type guard function called `isString` that takes a generic type `T` as an argument. The function returns a type predicate that guarantees that the value is of type `string`. The `typeof` operator is used to check if the value is indeed a string.

Using Type Guards with Conditional Statements

Now that we have our type guard function, let’s see how we can use it with conditional statements to get type narrowing and suggestions.

If Statements

let value: string | number;

if (isString(value)) {
  // TypeScript knows that value is a string
} else {
  // TypeScript knows that value is a number

In this example, we’re using the `isString` type guard function to narrow the type of `value` within the if statement. When the condition is true, TypeScript knows that `value` is a string, and we can access the `toUpperCase` method. When the condition is false, TypeScript knows that `value` is a number, and we can access the `toFixed` method.

Switch Statements

enum DataType {

let value: string | number | boolean;
let type: DataType;

switch (type) {
  case DataType.String:
    if (isString(value)) {
      // TypeScript knows that value is a string
  case DataType.Number:
    if (isNumber(value)) {
      // TypeScript knows that value is a number
  case DataType.Boolean:
    if (isBoolean(value)) {
      // TypeScript knows that value is a boolean

In this example, we’re using a switch statement to handle different data types. We’re using type guards to narrow the type of `value` within each case, allowing us to access type-specific properties and methods.

Getting Type Suggestions

Type guards don’t just stop at type narrowing. They can also provide type suggestions, which can be incredibly useful when working with complex data structures or APIs.

Using the `infer` Keyword

type get_type = T extends string ? 'string' :
  T extends number ? 'number' :
  T extends boolean ? 'boolean' :

let value: string | number | boolean;
let type = get_type;

// type is 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean'

In this example, we’re using the `infer` keyword to create a conditional type that returns a string literal indicating the type of the value. The `infer` keyword allows us to infer the type of a value based on a conditional type.

Using Type Predicates with the `infer` Keyword

function isType(value: T): value is T {
  return true;

type getType = T extends infer U ? U : never;

let value: string | number | boolean;
let type = getType;

if (isType(value)) {
  // type is 'string'
} else if (isType(value)) {
  // type is 'number'
} else if (isType(value)) {
  // type is 'boolean'

In this example, we’re using the `infer` keyword in combination with type predicates to get type suggestions. We’re creating a type predicate function `isType` that takes a value and returns a type predicate guaranteeing the type of the value. We’re then using the `getType` type to get the type of the value, which is inferred based on the type predicate.

Best Practices for Using Type Guards

When using type guards, it’s essential to follow best practices to get the most out of this feature.

Keep Type Guards Simple

Type guards should be simple and easy to understand. Avoid complex logic or nested conditional statements, as they can make your code harder to read and maintain.

Use Type Guards Conservatively

Type guards should be used conservatively, only when necessary. Overusing type guards can lead to a complex and brittle codebase.

Document Your Type Guards

Document your type guards clearly, including the assumptions made and the guarantees provided. This will help other developers understand your code and avoid potential pitfalls.


TypeScript type guards are a powerful tool that can help you unlock the full potential of your code. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can use type guards to get type narrowing and suggestions, making your code more efficient, readable, and maintainable.

Remember, type guards are not a silver bullet, and they should be used judiciously. However, when used correctly, they can be a game-changer for your development workflow.

Best Practice Description
Keep Type Guards Simple Avoid complex logic or nested conditional statements.
Use Type Guards Conservatively Use type guards only when necessary to avoid a complex and brittle codebase.
Document Your Type Guards Document your type guards clearly, including the assumptions made and the guarantees provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a type guard and a type assertion?

A: A type guard is a function that narrows the type of a value within a specific scope, whereas a type assertion is a way to tell TypeScript that a value is of a specific type, without providing any guarantees.

Q: Can I use type guards with interfaces?

A: Yes, you can use type guards with interfaces to narrow the type of an object or class.

Q: Are type guards compatible with JavaScript?

A: Yes, type guards are compatible with JavaScript, but they only provide type checking benefits when used with TypeScript.

  1. TypeScript Type Guards Documentation
  2. TypeScript Type Narrowing Documentation
  3. Type Guards in TypeScript (Medium)

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about TypeScript type guards:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most out of TypeScript type guards with our expert answers!

What are TypeScript type guards, and how do they work?

TypeScript type guards are a way to narrow the type of a value within a specific scope. They’re like a referee that checks the type of a value and, if it passes the check, TypeScript will update the type of that value accordingly. You can think of it as a type cast, but instead of forcing the type, you’re asking the type system to verify it. This way, you can write more robust and maintainable code!

How do I get type narrowing with TypeScript type guards?

To get type narrowing, you need to use the `if` statement or the conditional operator (the ternary operator) in combination with a type guard function. The type guard function should return a type predicate (a type that will be true or false at runtime). When the type guard function returns `true`, TypeScript will narrow the type of the value to the specified type. For example, `if (isString(x)) { // x is now string }`.

Can I get suggestions from TypeScript when using type guards?

Yes, you can! When you use type guards, TypeScript can provide you with suggestions based on the narrowed types. For example, if you have a type guard function `isString(x)` and you use it in an `if` statement, when you type `x.` inside the `if` block, TypeScript will suggest methods and properties that are only available on strings. This is because TypeScript has narrowed the type of `x` to `string` and can provide more accurate suggestions.

Do I need to use a separate function for each type guard?

No, you don’t! You can use a single function to perform multiple type guards. For example, you can create a function `getType(x: T): T extends string ? string : T extends number ? number : unknown` that returns the type of the value based on the type parameter `T`. This way, you can reuse the same function for different type guards.

Can I use type guards with interfaces and unions?

Yes, you can! Type guards work seamlessly with interfaces and unions. When you use a type guard with an interface, TypeScript will narrow the type of the value to the specific interface type. With unions, TypeScript will narrow the type of the value to the specific type within the union that matches the type guard. This allows you to write more robust and flexible code that takes advantage of TypeScript’s type system.

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